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PACS 108: Intro to Pacific Island Studies: Find Articles

Resources for PACS 108

UHWO Research Databases

Find articles using databases that the UHWO Library subscribes to. It may be a little more difficult to find Hawaiian and Pacific related material through commercial databases but you can still find some scholarly research articles in the databases listed below. 

See some suggested databases below. These databases are restricted to UHWO students and faculty and require a UH login and password.

Selected Journals


These journals focus on Hawaiʻi and the Pacific. Most can be found online through the links below or through the databases that the UHWO Library subscribes to.

Unless noted, these digital collections do NOT require a login.

Magazines and periodicals at the library

Although magazines are often not considered scholarly resources, some magazines can offer a different perspectives on issues and current events.

Check out the most current issues that the UHWO Library has to offer on the first floor near the restaurants. Back issues can be found upstairs in the periodicals section near the Noʻeau Center.