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AI Chatbots (ChatGPT): Teaching & Learning

The questions and answers are illustrative of the types of conversations you can have in ChatGPT, and were copied over from chats that librarians had with ChatGPT between March 1-5, 2023. 
Question: Please provide me with a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on Abnormal Psychology.

ChatGPT Response

Here is a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on Abnormal Psychology:

Title: Exploring AI Therapy: The Role of ChatGPT in Abnormal Psychology Treatment

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of AI therapy and its potential role in abnormal psychology treatment.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of ChatGPT in providing mental health support to individuals with various psychological disorders.
  • Evaluate the ethical implications of using AI therapy in mental health treatment.

Materials Needed:

  • Access to ChatGPT online
  • Articles and research studies on AI therapy and ChatGPT
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handout on ethical considerations in AI therapy

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin the class by asking students if they have ever heard of AI therapy or used any AI chatbot for mental health support.
  • Introduce the topic of AI therapy and its potential role in abnormal psychology treatment.
  • Explain that today's lesson will focus on exploring ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot, and its effectiveness in providing mental health support to individuals with various psychological disorders.

Activity 1: Exploring ChatGPT (20 minutes)

  • Ask students to access ChatGPT online and interact with it to experience its features and functions.
  • Divide students into small groups and ask them to discuss and analyze the effectiveness of ChatGPT in providing mental health support to individuals with various psychological disorders.
  • Ask each group to present their analysis to the class.

Activity 2: Research on AI Therapy and ChatGPT (30 minutes)

  • Provide students with articles and research studies on AI therapy and ChatGPT.
  • Divide students into small groups and ask them to read and analyze the articles.
  • Ask each group to present their analysis to the class.

Activity 3: Ethical Implications of AI Therapy (30 minutes)

  • Provide students with a handout on ethical considerations in AI therapy.
  • Divide students into small groups and ask them to discuss and evaluate the ethical implications of using AI therapy in mental health treatment.
  • Ask each group to present their analysis to the class.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it relates to abnormal psychology treatment.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts and ask any remaining questions.


  • Have students write a short reflection paper on the effectiveness of ChatGPT in providing mental health support to individuals with various psychological disorders.
  • Evaluate students based on their participation in the class activities and their reflection paper.
Question: Please provide me with a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on persuasive writing.

ChatGPT Response

Here is a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on persuasive writing:

Title: Persuasive Writing with AI: Using ChatGPT to Develop Arguments

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of AI language models and their potential role in persuasive writing.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of ChatGPT in generating persuasive arguments.
  • Develop persuasive writing skills by using ChatGPT to generate and refine arguments.

Materials Needed:

  • Access to ChatGPT online
  • Handouts on persuasive writing techniques
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Writing prompts related to current events or controversial topics

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin the class by introducing the topic of AI language models and their potential role in persuasive writing.
  • Explain that today's lesson will focus on exploring ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, and its effectiveness in generating persuasive arguments.

Activity 1: Analyzing Persuasive Writing Techniques (20 minutes)

  • Provide students with handouts on persuasive writing techniques, such as ethos, logos, and pathos.
  • Divide students into small groups and ask them to analyze and discuss examples of persuasive writing that use these techniques.
  • Ask each group to present their analysis to the class.

Activity 2: Generating Persuasive Arguments with ChatGPT (30 minutes)

  • Ask students to access ChatGPT online and input a writing prompt related to current events or controversial topics.
  • Instruct students to use ChatGPT to generate persuasive arguments related to the writing prompt.
  • Ask students to analyze and refine the arguments generated by ChatGPT by applying persuasive writing techniques discussed earlier.
  • Ask each student to present their persuasive argument to the class.

Activity 3: Peer Review and Feedback (30 minutes)

  • Divide students into pairs and ask them to exchange their persuasive arguments.
  • Instruct each pair to review and provide feedback on each other's persuasive arguments, focusing on the effectiveness of persuasive writing techniques and the coherence of arguments.
  • Ask each pair to present their feedback to the class.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it relates to persuasive writing.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts and ask any remaining questions.


  • Have students write a persuasive essay using ChatGPT-generated arguments and persuasive writing techniques.
  • Evaluate students based on the effectiveness of persuasive writing techniques used in their essay and the coherence of arguments.
Question: Please provide me with a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on business administration.

ChatGPT Response

Here is a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on business administration:

Title: AI in Business: Exploring the Role of ChatGPT in Marketing Strategies

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of AI-powered marketing and its potential role in business administration.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of ChatGPT in creating marketing content and strategies.
  • Develop marketing skills by using ChatGPT to generate and refine marketing content and strategies.

Materials Needed:

  • Access to ChatGPT online
  • Articles and research studies on AI-powered marketing and ChatGPT
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts on marketing strategies and techniques

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin the class by introducing the topic of AI-powered marketing and its potential role in business administration.
  • Explain that today's lesson will focus on exploring ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, and its effectiveness in creating marketing content and strategies.

Activity 1: Analyzing Marketing Strategies and Techniques (20 minutes)

  • Provide students with handouts on marketing strategies and techniques, such as target audience analysis, brand positioning, and value proposition.
  • Divide students into small groups and ask them to analyze and discuss examples of marketing campaigns that use these strategies and techniques.
  • Ask each group to present their analysis to the class.

Activity 2: Creating Marketing Content with ChatGPT (30 minutes)

  • Ask students to access ChatGPT online and input a product or service description.
  • Instruct students to use ChatGPT to generate marketing content related to the product or service, focusing on target audience analysis, brand positioning, and value proposition.
  • Ask students to analyze and refine the marketing content generated by ChatGPT by applying marketing strategies and techniques discussed earlier.
  • Ask each student to present their marketing content to the class.

Activity 3: Developing Marketing Strategies with ChatGPT (30 minutes)

  • Divide students into small groups and ask them to use ChatGPT to generate marketing strategies related to a hypothetical product or service.
  • Instruct students to analyze and refine the marketing strategies generated by ChatGPT by applying marketing strategies and techniques discussed earlier.
  • Ask each group to present their marketing strategies to the class.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it relates to business administration.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts and ask any remaining questions.


  • Have students write a marketing plan using ChatGPT-generated marketing content and strategies.
  • Evaluate students based on the effectiveness of marketing strategies and techniques used in their plan and the coherence of marketing content.
Question: Please provide me with a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on hawaiian ways of healing.

ChatGPT Response

Here is a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on Hawaiian ways of healing:

Title: Exploring Hawaiian Healing Traditions with AI: Using ChatGPT to Learn about Lā'au Lapa'au

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of AI language models and their potential role in learning about Hawaiian healing traditions.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of ChatGPT in generating information about Lā'au Lapa'au, a traditional Hawaiian healing practice.
  • Develop knowledge and appreciation for Lā'au Lapa'au by using ChatGPT to learn about its history, principles, and practices.

Materials Needed:

  • Access to ChatGPT online
  • Handouts on Hawaiian healing traditions and Lā'au Lapa'au
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Writing prompts related to Lā'au Lapa'au

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin the class by introducing the topic of AI language models and their potential role in learning about Hawaiian healing traditions.
  • Explain that today's lesson will focus on exploring ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, and its effectiveness in generating information about Lā'au Lapa'au, a traditional Hawaiian healing practice.

Activity 1: Analyzing Hawaiian Healing Traditions (20 minutes)

  • Provide students with handouts on Hawaiian healing traditions, such as Ho'oponopono and Hula.
  • Divide students into small groups and ask them to analyze and discuss the principles and practices of these traditions.
  • Ask each group to present their analysis to the class.

Activity 2: Learning about Lā'au Lapa'au with ChatGPT (30 minutes)

  • Ask students to access ChatGPT online and input a writing prompt related to Lā'au Lapa'au, such as "What is Lā'au Lapa'au?" or "What are the principles of Lā'au Lapa'au?"
  • Instruct students to use ChatGPT to generate information about Lā'au Lapa'au, focusing on its history, principles, and practices.
  • Ask students to analyze and refine the information generated by ChatGPT by applying their knowledge of Hawaiian healing traditions discussed earlier.
  • Ask each student to share their information about Lā'au Lapa'au with the class.

Activity 3: Writing Reflections on Lā'au Lapa'au (30 minutes)

  • Provide students with writing prompts related to Lā'au Lapa'au, such as "What did you learn about Lā'au Lapa'au?", "How does Lā'au Lapa'au reflect Hawaiian culture and values?", or "How can Lā'au Lapa'au be integrated into modern healthcare practices?"
  • Instruct students to write reflections on Lā'au Lapa'au using ChatGPT-generated information and their knowledge of Hawaiian healing traditions.
  • Ask each student to share their reflections with the class.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it relates to Hawaiian ways of healing.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts and ask any remaining questions.


  • Have students write an essay about Lā'au Lapa'au using ChatGPT-generated information and their knowledge of Hawaiian healing traditions.
  • Evaluate students based on the accuracy of information, the coherence of their arguments, and the incorporation of Hawaiian cultural values and perspectives.
Question: Please provide me with a lesson plan that centers around ChatGPT for an undergraduate course on leadership philosophy.

ChatGPT Response

Title: Exploring Leadership Philosophy with ChatGPT

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of leadership philosophy and its importance in leadership development.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of ChatGPT in generating information about different leadership philosophies.
  • Develop knowledge and appreciation for different leadership philosophies by using ChatGPT to learn about their characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.
  • Reflect on personal leadership philosophy and identify areas for improvement.

Materials Needed:

  • Access to ChatGPT online
  • Handouts on different leadership philosophies, such as transformational, servant, and situational
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Writing prompts related to leadership philosophy

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin the class by introducing the topic of leadership philosophy and its importance in leadership development.
  • Explain that today's lesson will focus on exploring ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, and its effectiveness in generating information about different leadership philosophies.

Activity 1: Analyzing Different Leadership Philosophies (20 minutes)

  • Provide students with handouts on different leadership philosophies, such as transformational, servant, and situational.
  • Divide students into small groups and ask them to analyze and discuss the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of each philosophy.
  • Ask each group to present their analysis to the class.

Activity 2: Learning about Different Leadership Philosophies with ChatGPT (30 minutes)

  • Ask students to access ChatGPT online and input a writing prompt related to leadership philosophy, such as "What are the characteristics of transformational leadership?" or "What are the advantages and disadvantages of servant leadership?"
  • Instruct students to use ChatGPT to generate information about different leadership philosophies, focusing on their characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.
  • Ask students to analyze and refine the information generated by ChatGPT by applying their knowledge of leadership philosophies discussed earlier.
  • Ask each student to share their information about a different leadership philosophy with the class.

Activity 3: Reflection on Personal Leadership Philosophy (30 minutes)

  • Provide students with writing prompts related to personal leadership philosophy, such as "What is your leadership philosophy?", "How does your leadership philosophy align with different leadership theories and philosophies?", or "What are some areas for improvement in your leadership philosophy?"
  • Instruct students to reflect on their personal leadership philosophy using ChatGPT-generated information and their knowledge of different leadership philosophies.
  • Ask each student to share their reflection with the class.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it relates to their personal leadership development.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts and ask any remaining questions.


  • Have students write an essay about a specific leadership philosophy, such as transformational, servant, or situational, using ChatGPT-generated information and their knowledge of leadership theories and practices.
  • Evaluate students based on the accuracy of information, the coherence of their arguments, and the integration of personal leadership philosophy and perspectives.
Question: Can you provide two examples on ways in which a Political Science instructor could integrate you into their curriculum?

ChatGPT Response: "Sure! Here are two examples of how a Political Science instructor could integrate me into their curriculum:

  1. Research Paper Support: As a language model trained on a vast range of topics, I can provide support to Political Science students as they research and write their papers. Instructors could encourage students to use me as a resource to generate ideas, find relevant sources, and refine their arguments. Instructors could also provide prompts or questions related to specific topics in Political Science and ask students to use me to generate information and insights.

  2. Debates and Discussions: Instructors could use me to facilitate debates and discussions in Political Science classes. For example, they could provide a controversial statement or question related to a current political issue and ask students to use me to research and generate arguments for or against the statement. Students could then engage in a debate or discussion using the arguments they have generated. Instructors could also ask students to use me to find and analyze relevant political data, such as public opinion polls or voting records, to support their arguments."

Question: Can you provide a lesson plan for the second example?

ChatGPT Response

Sure, here's a lesson plan for using ChatGPT to facilitate debates and discussions in a Political Science class:

Title: Using ChatGPT to Facilitate Political Debates and Discussions

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the role of language models like ChatGPT in political research and analysis.
  • Develop critical thinking and persuasive communication skills by using ChatGPT to generate arguments and evidence for or against political statements and questions.
  • Apply knowledge of Political Science theories and concepts to analyze and evaluate arguments and evidence generated by ChatGPT.
  • Engage in respectful and productive debates and discussions that foster intellectual curiosity and social awareness.

Materials Needed:

  • Access to ChatGPT online
  • Controversial statements or questions related to current political issues
  • Handouts on Political Science theories and concepts related to the selected issues
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Timer

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin the class by introducing the topic of using ChatGPT to facilitate political debates and discussions.
  • Explain that students will use ChatGPT to generate arguments and evidence for or against controversial political statements or questions related to current political issues.
  • Remind students that the goal of the activity is not to win the debate or prove a point, but to engage in respectful and productive discussions that foster intellectual curiosity and social awareness.

Activity 1: Generating Arguments and Evidence with ChatGPT (30 minutes)

  • Provide students with a controversial statement or question related to a current political issue, such as "Should the United States abolish the Electoral College?" or "Is universal basic income a viable solution to poverty?"
  • Instruct students to access ChatGPT online and input the statement or question to generate arguments and evidence for or against it.
  • Ask students to analyze and refine the information generated by ChatGPT by applying their knowledge of Political Science theories and concepts discussed earlier.
  • Divide students into pairs or small groups based on their positions on the statement or question, and ask them to use the information generated by ChatGPT to develop persuasive arguments and evidence.

Activity 2: Debating and Discussing (40 minutes)

  • Ask each group to present their arguments and evidence to the class, alternating between the for and against positions.
  • Set a timer for each presentation and follow-up discussion, allowing equal time for each group to speak and respond.
  • Encourage students to apply their knowledge of Political Science theories and concepts to analyze and evaluate the arguments and evidence presented by their peers.
  • Facilitate a respectful and productive debate and discussion that fosters intellectual curiosity and social awareness.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it relates to their personal and social perspectives.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts and ask any remaining questions.


  • Have students write a reflection paper on their experience using ChatGPT to facilitate political debates and discussions, focusing on their ability to develop critical thinking and persuasive communication skills, apply knowledge of Political Science theories and concepts, and engage in respectful and productive discussions that foster intellectual curiosity and social awareness. Evaluate students based on the coherence of their arguments and reflections, the integration of Political Science theories and concepts, and the demonstration of critical thinking and communication skills.