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Hawaiʻi COVID-19 Resources: Working From Home

Working from Home

Many of us are working from home and trying to balance the boundaries of work and being at home. Here are five tips from Psychology Today to help you maintain that balance:

  1. Maintain your routine.
    Get up at your normal time. Get dressed. Exercise. This is important especially if you have keiki!
  2. Don't use your extra time to work.
    Create and stick to your time boundaries.
  3. Use video chat.
    Keep in contact with your coworkers and colleagues by using Zoom or Google Hangouts
  4. Take breaks.
    Eat a snack. Make a cup of coffee or tea. Take a short walk. Schedule your breaks into your calendar if you have to. 
  5. Move around.
    Change up your workspace scenery, add some flowers, or something that makes you happy!

Working from Home Tools