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About PsycINFO

APA PsycINFO indexes psychological research and its applications. Source types include peer-reviewed journals, books and book chapters, dissertations, conference proceedings, and more. Subject coverage includes:

  • Applied psychology
  • Communication systems
  • Developmental psychology
  • Personality
  • Lifespan
  • Psychological and physical disorders
Unique Search Filters

Unique search options are included on the Advanced Search page as different ways to find relevant information.

These facets make it easy for researchers to limit their search to a specific age group (e.g. adolescence), methodology (e.g. clinical case study) and document type (e.g. journal article). Those are just a few of the examples of search filters you can apply on the Advanced Search page. 


Searchable Fields

Next to the search bars, click on "Select a Field (optional)" to search through various fields. Read more about some of the most useful ones below:

Field Name Label Search Examples & Explanation
Abstract AB AB(child welfare worker)

The abstract provided by the journal is reproduced with little or no modifications. If no abstract is provided, one is created by the editorial team.  Abstracts are available from 1987.
Author AU AU(Mossberg Walt)     

Finds documents written by a particular author. Use the Look Up list to verify the various formats of the same name. 
Document Title TI TI(BRIC)    

Locates the occurrence of search words in the title of the article.
Document Type DType DType(Journal)   

Finds specific document types such as article, journal, book, etc.
Keywords KW


Search for author-supplied keywords.
Note: 'keyword' is also be used to indicate search terms.

Publication Name SO SO(social)     

Searches for journals or publications where the keyword is located in its name/title.
Subjects SU SU(Race)  

Look for articles about a specific subject. To run an exact subject search where only “race” is retrieved and not subject terms that contain additional terms, search using EXACT.       
