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PUBA 313: Communication Skills for Administrators


Available from our library homepage, OneSearch is a discovery tool that allows you to search our catalog and a large number of resources from our databases at once. To find books and e-books, select the "books" option from the "all items" drop down menu available below the search bar or, if you are accessing OneSearch from the Library homepage, select the "Library Catalog" option from the drop-down menu located on the left of the search box and then limit your results to books and/or e-books.

Finding Books in the Library Stacks

Each print book in the library is assigned a call number that reflects its topic and content. Our library uses the Library of Congress (LC) classification system and its call numbers consist of letters and numbers. Call numbers are placed on the book spine, though you may occasionally find it placed on the bottom left corner of the book front cover (if the spine is not wide enough for the label). Print books in the library are arranged according to their call numbers, thus you will find books with similar or related content shelved in the same area.

Call numbers begin with the letter that represents the main subject area of the item. For example: H - Social Sciences, P - Language and Literature, T - Technology. As these examples show, the letter assigned to the main subject area of an item does not necessarily match the first letter of the subject area it represents.

Some useful call numbers for business communication, management and public speaking research are:

  • Management --- HD28-70
  • Business Communication --- HF5717-5734.7
  • Business - Vocational Guidance --- HF5381-5386
  • Literature - Oratory. Elocution, etc. --- PN4001-4355


Selected E-books from the Library Collections

Click on the book covers or titles to begin reading

Selected E-books from the Library Collections

Click on the book covers or titles to begin reading

Selected E-books from the Library Collections

Click on the book covers or titles to begin reading