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Research and Writing (RaW): 7. Outline, Write, and Re-Write

Guiding you through the process of finding information - from knowing that you need certain locating, evaluating, and effectively using said information.


7. Outline, Write, and Re-Write

Create a Research Question

  • Finalize your topic then turn it into a question (your research question!)

Craft Your Thesis Statement

  • You may want to think of your thesis statement as an answer to your research question.
  • Your thesis statement should:
    • tell readers what your paper is about
    • assert a claim that others may agree or disagree with
    • appear at the end of your introduction (generally)
    • be 1-2 sentences
    • be a statement, not a question
    • be written in your own words
    • be proven in your paper
  • Tips for writing a thesis statement

Prepare an Outline

  • How to Outline
  • Types of Outlines
  • Follow the MEAL Plan
    1. Main Idea: Your topic sentence stating the claim that the paragraph is advancing.
    2. Evidence: How you're supporting your topic sentence's claim. Utilize paraphrasing or direct quotations from cited materials.
    3. Analysis: Your evaluation of the evidence, which explains the evidence you've provided and its overall relevance to your main idea.
    4. Link: Link back to the larger claim in your paper. This ensures that you end the paragraph with a strong statement that connects back to your thesis.

Write Your First Draft

  • Flesh out the outline you created. You'll want to analyze the information you discovered, compare and contrast the evidence, then come to your own conclusions.

Revise and Rewrite